Как правило, слову «зависимость» придаётся отрицательное значение. Оно указывает на употребление таких психоактивных веществ, как алкоголь или табак, при употреблении которых меняется настроение или восприятие человека.
Satyanarayana Dasa
Daily Bhakti Byte
We tend to blame others for our problems. But if we analyze, we find that we are the cause of our own problems. We think that everyone else is the cause of my problem but me. It is very comfortable for my ego to think that others create my problem. Not me. It is very painful to think that I am the cause of my own problem. Our intellect becomes blind to our own mistakes because of pride. Pride doesn’t allow us to see our own defects. It magnifies others defects and covers our own faults.