Как правило, слову «зависимость» придаётся отрицательное значение. Оно указывает на употребление таких психоактивных веществ, как алкоголь или табак, при употреблении которых меняется настроение или восприятие человека.
Satyanarayana Dasa
Daily Bhakti Byte
Have you ever seen a camel grazing? It goes here and there for food and it never comes back. Similarly, our mind is like a camel mind, running here and there and it never comes home. Our mind is going somewhere all time time, getting the food of raga (like) and dvesha (dislike). That is its food. It is getting its energy from that. We are always moving in the grooves of like and dislike. We have to bring it back from there. That is the sadhana. Are you in yourself or are you somewhere else?