
Harināmāmṛta-vyākaraṇam 1 – Saṁjñā & Sandhi

SKU 00151
₹7 565
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Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji teaches Śrī Harināmāmṛta-vyākaraṇam, the Sandskrit grammar for vaiṣṇavas composed by Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī. This course includes the first part of this grammar: basic definitions (saṁjñā), rules of pronunciation, and the rules of combinations of sounds (sandhi).

This grammar is special because all technical terms are names of Kṛṣna. Thus, repeating the sūtras means repeating Kṛṣna's names. Almost every sūtra has a corresponding sūtra in Pāṇinī's system and vice versa. However, to further ease our studies, Śrī Jīva arranged the sūtras according to topics and included also necessary rules which the commentators on Pāṇinī's system supplied.

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Harināmāmṛta-vyākaraṇam 1 – Saṁjñā & Sandhi
  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
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    Everybody is born with a twin sister called death. When the body is born, death is born along with it. Whether we die today or after 100 years, death is certain. So, everyday we are coming closer to our death. Therefore, every night, we should do this introspection: Did I do something to come closer to Krishna today, or move farther away from Him?  Is my japa improving?  Is my mind feeling more peaceful and less disturbed? This is the real meaning of introspection.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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