
STUDIES - Bhakti Tirtha Course - 1st Semester: Navya-Nyaya

₹13 182.40
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Teacher: Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa

Navya-nyāya is the name given to the new school of Nyāya that developed in Navadvipa, which preserved the traditions of both Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika. Its main focus is to define terms in a precise manner and then to formulate or evolve a language as a precise medium of communication. It is keen on rationally explaining human behavior based on cognition, which necessarily refers to relation – an essential concept in this school of thought.

This course introduces the basic concepts of the Navya-nyāya literature and many technical terms which are systematically explained in Navya-Nyāya-Bhāṣā-Pradīpa, a primer of Navya-Nyāya language and methodology. This is followed by a study of Tarka Saṅgraha, which is an entry-level book that is a systematic overview of Nyaya/Vaisheshika in its newer (navya) period.

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STUDIES - Bhakti Tirtha Course - 1st Semester: Navya-Nyaya
  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
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    Krishna prema is like blazing fire. It burns all one’s material attachments. Therefore, materialists are very scared of it. But this fire is most blissful. Only those who have trust (sraddha) dare to jump into it. They never want to come out of it and out of compassion invite others to join them.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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